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Life of a Fabricator: The Fab School [Video]

Here at Driving Line, we cover a lot of motorsports. From Ultra4 to Formula Drift and diesel drag racing, we love watching the fastest racers and cars go head to head. It’s easy to forget about where these performance machines come from, but each of them starts in the hands of a fabricator.

Casey Currie Race Rig

To honor the people who make the vehicles we love, we’ve profiled The Fab School, one of the places that trains new fabricators and turns them into master welders. From using hard sciences like algebra and physics to learning how to operate technical machinery, a welder must master many skills before being able to create a race-worthy cage.

Fab School Student and Teacher

If you’ve ever wanted to know how race cars are made, or wanted to make one yourself, watch the video above to get a glimpse into the life of a fabricator.

Want to know how a wheel is made? Watch our Life of a Wheel video!

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